Schlumbergera (xmas cactus, hanukkah cactus) Buds Now In Stock!
I've been patiently waiting to see when my beloved schlumbergera cactus would start to show signs of the brilliant flowering show that it gives us every year in December, and at long last yesterday I spotted tiny buds beginning to form. So truly exciting!
I keep this plant outdoors (in the shade) for the summer and until the buds are quite large and about to open, at which point I bring it indoors and await the fabulous show.
Right now the buds are really quite small, with many more to appear, so it looks like this year we'll be enjoying the blooms in January, but no complaints. Interestingly enough, the shemittah year had varying effects on my container garden. There were several plants that wouldn't stop blooming (after generally giving only a few blooms) and there are other plants who usually bloom in late October and haven't bloomed or shown signs of blooming at all. And no, this is not on account of the harsh winter, these pots were moved indoors. Go figure. Just another chapter in the amazing adventure of raising plants!
By the way, a schlumbergera cactus would make a wonderful gift this holiday season, take a look at how mine looked last year here. And speaking of gift giving, I think I deserve another plant myself.