Cooking: Shabbos
Simple Flowers And Leaves Decorated Challah
I am rushing to post this as there is still cooking to be done for the holiday of Shavuot, which we are welcoming tonight! Round braided challahs decorated with simple flowers and leaves really do make your holiday table special, so if you have a few extra minutes, give it a try, even for just one challah! This design is quite simple to make, and if you follow the instructions, I do think you’ll be happy with the results! Trust me, I’ve been doing this for years, with varied results, and this design actually looks good after baking as well, which many just do not. So make some round braided…
Flower Covered Challah For Shavuot!
We are welcoming the beautiful Jewish holiday of Shavuot tonight, and I decided last night that it was time to make some decorated challahs to embrace the holiday, in which we bring flowers and greenery into our homes to remember the lush surroundings on Mt. Sinai. Yes indeed, I did take note of the relative luxury of this act while many of my fellow Israelis were in bomb shelters, and I am grateful to live in a location that is generally not a target, and we have never used the bomb shelter room in our home as such, though I am relieved that we have one! Okay, back to challahs…
Schlissel Challah Rolls For The Shabbos After Passover!
To honor this special shabbat, namely the first one after Passover in which we traditionally prepare challah in our homes once again, this year I decided to try once again to make some small rolls shaped like keys, which we call schlissel challah. And yippee, at least one was photo perfect enough to share with you. This key shaped challah baking business is not simple as once the dough rises the forms can go in a million directions, and I’m only showing you this one, so don’t expect perfection! And after all, the whole tradition isn’t really about the key, or a perfect key for that matter, but rather about…
10 Benefits of Slow Cooking
Above Left: A cast bronze cholent pot from Germany, circa 1708, with the name of the family embossed on the pot, from the collection of The Jewish Museum, Jerusalem, on loan from the Jewish Museum of New York Above Right: Bialystock, Poland Nov 20,1932 Bringing pots of shabbos cholent to a baker’s oven on friday afternoon. Photo courtesy of YIVO Polish Jewish archive Slow cooking is part of a culinary culture that’s been around for centuries, and is in fact a huge part of Jewish culture, and specifically the Shabbat day meal, in Jewish homes around the world. Because cooking and baking are forbidden on Shabbat, special Shabbat dishes are…
- Birthdays: Cakes and Decorations, Chanukah Recipes, Cooking: Desert Bar Ideas, Cooking: Kids in the Kitchen, Cooking: Shabbos, Holiday: Hanukkah Treats
Chocolate Chip Cookies With Sprinkles For Chanukah Or Any Festivity!
Wishing everyone a lovely light-filled Chanukah on this fourth night of Chanukah. It is pouring cats and dogs here in Northern Israel creating a very dramatic setting for the glowing flames of the holiday. My kids are all snugly tucked in bed with a book so I’m taking a moment to share these fun cookies with you. Courtesy of my teen daughter I might add, who does all the baking……and who baked some more goodies today as we have a small army of guests coming for meals this special upcoming Shabbat! This idea is pretty self explanatory but keep on reading for a few tips……
Key Shaped Challah
The Ashkenazic Jewish custom of making key shaped bread, or rather challah, (called schlissel challah) for the first shabbos after Passover is something I love to do, though this year on that particular shabbos we were in the Ukraine, so no key shaped challahs…….but then again, since it is a symbolic custom rather than a Jewish Law I figured I’d bake those key shaped challahs the very first time we made challahs at home, which was last Friday. And since my camera battery charger is broken and the replacement has yet to arrive my daughter quickly took some photos to share with you. At this point you may just want…