Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to craft schooling Sunday, Passover edition! Those who live outside Israel are still in the middle of the first part of the 7/8 day holiday, meaning there is a second seder on Saturday night, while those of us who live in Israel only make one seder, which is just fine with us! And that means that I can still go ahead and get this party started, assuming all the leavened products are no where to be seen. Which is also just fine with us as we love Passover and certainly never feel deprived what so ever. And seriously, it is only a week in any case! Speaking of week,…
Wishing You A Wonderful Passover!
Dear Readers, Passover starts tomorrow (Friday) night, and so I'm just popping in to wish you a wonderful holiday, however you celebrate it, with whom ever you celebrate it, and where ever you celebrate it, if you celebrate it! That should cover everyone, right? After all the intense preparations, at least in our world, we are sometimes so exhausted from the process that while we certainly feel as if we've been delivered from slavery, we may not spend enough time to truly reflect on what that means and how we can take this message and use it to enhance our lives today. This year, for the first time my family…
Kitchen Scraps Gardening: Grow Your Own Beet Greens
Aren’t these beet greens just gorgeous? I grew them myself, on my kitchen table, from scraps that would ordinarily be tossed….gotta love it! You can grow your own beet greens to make a lovely Spring centerpiece, or to actually eat, when they get a bit bigger that is. Either way, kitchen scrap gardening is so much fun and certainly a great activity to do with the kids. Enjoy some beets, I recommend oven roasted for the best taste, and save the tops for this project that will have you smiling from ear to ear…….and this sure beats moving to someplace with an actual garden to satisfy that desire to grow…
Drinking Straw Pyramids Passover Craft
Looking for a simple craft to add a creative touch to your home this Passover? Look no further, drinking straw pyramids are perfect and right on trend as well. Make them in lovely pastel colors, or get some metallic straws and make elegant versions that would look amazing on your Passover Seder table. Of course you can also use spray paint, I personally try to avoid that whenever possible. Geometric shapes made with straws look amazing in general, and when you add the pyramid shape to the mix, well hello Passover! There are many many video tutorials out there for making geometric shapes with straws, and I just love the…
Origami Pyramid Passover Centerpiece
Origami and geometric shapes are all the rage as the moment, so origami pyramids for your Passover table seem oh so perfect! Since the Passover seder recounts the story of Jewish slavery and redemption in Egypt these colorful origami pyramid reminders are so fitting— an interesting combination of solemn and cheerful!
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, and so wonderful to have you here with me in this special little virtual place, special because of all the wonderful contributions made by so many of you! The holiday of Passover starts in less than a week, so now is a very very busy time for celebrating the holiday as the preparations are rigorous! Each and every year it as if the Jewish people are delivered from slavery once again, and without all that hard work to prepare for the holiday it sure wouldn’t feel like freedom once the holiday begins. Of course everyone has their own take on this, this is just my…