
Wishing You A Wonderful Passover!

Dear Readers, Passover starts tomorrow (Friday) night, and so I'm just popping in to wish you a wonderful holiday, however you celebrate it, with whom ever you celebrate it, and where ever you celebrate it, if you celebrate it! That should cover everyone, right?

After all the intense preparations, at least in our world, we are sometimes so exhausted from the process that while we certainly feel as if we've been delivered from slavery, we may not spend enough time to truly reflect on what that means and how we can take this message and use it to enhance our lives today.

This year, for the first time my family and I are actually traveling to the Ukraine for Passover, where we will be celebrating with friends and visiting many important and holy Jewish sites. So while we didn't clean the house from top to bottom this year, I think we'll more than make up for that in another way with the mindfullness we'll be practicing during our adventures.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful and meaningful holiday!

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