Preparing Your Child For College And The Finances Involved
This is a sponsored post. Preparing Your Child For College One in five college graduates say that they wish they studied harder in college, making it the highest ranking regret. Preparing your child for college can help get them into a good mindset so that they are truly ready for college, regardless of whether they’re studying art and design or science. It’s important that they make the most of the opportunities offered for the most success, and they also need to understand the financial side of college, such as how student loans work. Teaching Them About Finances The reality is that going to college can cost a lot of money.…
Dale Chihuly At The Tower Of David Citadel, Jerusalem
The Tower of David is now one of my favorite places in Old City Jerusalem, and while we missed his fabulous show at the museum in 2000, glass artist Dale Chihuly did leave a few items in the museum which I was delighted to see this past week. Now I’m regretting that I didn’t make an effort to go see his historically famous show, as back then I didn’t appreciate his work, sigh. What I didn’t realize at the time is that the colorful glass forms for which Dale Chihuly is famous look amazing together with the medieval fortress stones, and this choice as a venue for the show was…
The Tower Of David Citadel Museum, Jerusalem
This Passover we were given the last minute gift of a complimentary vacation rental apartment in the Old City of Jerusalem for the duration of the holiday, in exchange for hosting a single father and his two sons for the Passover seder and a few days after that. It is true, for some all the rush and uncertainty together with preparing the kitchen properly wouldn’t be a gift, but for us it certainly was! We had the opportunity to explore the history of Jerusalem up close, experience living withing a walled city, and witness the crowds who flock to the Western Wall for the entire week. One of the places…
Notes To Self Passover 2019 To Refer To Next Year……
All of my Passover pots and pans and kitchen items are now safely tucked away in their special large cabinet, and our kitchen is once again ready to receive leavened food items, though we are not in any big hurry as we happen to love matza, and still have quite a bit left to enjoy. That said, before Passover becomes a distant memory I thought I'd jot down some notes and advice to myself to refer to in years to come, and while this may or may not be relevant to you, at the least it might inspire you to do the same, whether for Passover or anytime you've completed…
Splitting Of The Red Sea Diorama— A Reader’s Version!
One of the greatest pleasures of blogging is when readers actually use my instructions to make their own version of a project I’ve presented. So it is with very great pleasure that i present to you this fantastic version, submitted by Ilana Singer of Strasbourg, France, of my splitting of the Red Sea diorama, the original post can be seen here. While my original version is much simpler than this one, keep in mind that I made mine a whole nine years ago (gasp!) I love the idea of painting the cardboard waves and then adding cut paper shapes, as opposed to my tissue paper decoupage, and the Playmobil figures…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! I am writing this before Passover, in order to open the party at a time when I will be very very busy packing away all my Passover dishes and kitchen items, which is necessary before bringing any leavened products into the house. Passover was actually over for us here in Israel Friday night, but since that was then shabbat we continued to eat as though it were Passover, making Passover actually 8 days for us this year. And that dear friends is fine with me, as after all that hard work the week goes by so quickly and…