- Crafts: Painting, Crafts: Painting and Drawing, Crafts: Recycling, Holiday: Shabbat, Recycled Cans Crafts, Shabbat crafts
Oatmeal Can Tzedaka Box Craft
A tzedaka box (charity box) made from an oatmeal can is just as cute as can be, and quite useful right now! As you may know, due to the Corona virus all the synagogues are currently closed, though prayer groups of up to 20 with proper distancing is permitted. While many neighbors have formed prayer groups from their balconies, we have formed one with the neighbors, which consists of my husband and my 2 teen boys from within our house (via a huge window that opens fully) and the neighbors gathered in a courtyard and on the stairs just outside this window. There is a custom to give charity before…
Wild Red Poppies In Bloom In Northern Israel!
At long last, after a thankfully very very wet winter, the beloved red poppies are in full bloom! Truthfully, they are about a month or so late, and not nearly as prolific as usual, but lovely nonetheless. After a long walk in the area and only spotting sparse areas of poppies here and there, I came across a hillside, just a minute from my house, full of vibrant red poppies in bloom! Wow, so beautiful, and so of course I just had to take lots of photos to share with you! These red poppies, are natives to Northern Israel, though it turns out that there are several species of red…
Today Is Memorial Day For Israel’s Fallen Soldiers
Today is Memorial Day for Israel’s fallen soldiers, and this year it is quite different indeed. My heart goes out to all those who treasure the memorial ceremonies and the once yearly get together at the grave of their loved one(s), and who this year will be remembering their son/daughter/mother/father/aunt/uncle/brother/sister quietly. In large military cemeteries I believe entrance is not permitted today, and families were asked to visit the graves over the past few days. The military did put flowers or floral wreaths as well as flags on each grave, and today in every military cemetery several soldiers are standing on guard in respect, in front of a large customary…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! I hope everyone is well, and using this time to: delve deeper into working on relationships, get your parenting game in top shape, concentrate on self care, or spend time on creativity! Personally it feels like we are on a never-ending vacation, and while we have not even begun to do all the things on my to-do list, we are keeping busy as always. At long last I sprouted a bunch of beans this week (adjuki, mung, lentils and quinoa to boot) and husband even loved a stir fry I made with the adjuki beans last night, big…
IQ Tests For Kids?
Above: Creative activities such as turning a random paint blob into something are great for children’s development. As parents we want the very best for our precious children, and that certainly includes making sure our kids are hitting their developmental milestones, as well as eating a healthy diet, getting exercise and the right amount of sleep. Of course those are just the basics, and the parent who truly wants to help their child have a joyful and productive life should be very on top of how their child is doing in school and know when certain situations may be red lights that need attention. It is never about “is my…
Expert Tips To Keep Your Crafty Family Home Clean & Orderly
Above: Perfect craft for spring, tutorial here. Kids who participate in arts and crafts have better motor skills, more confidence, math skills and self-esteem than those who don’t, according to studies. As such, creating a crafty family home environment is crucial for your child’s development. As we all know, craft activities can be messy, however, that should not deter you from giving your kids every opportunity for creative growth. Follow these tips, and your crafty home can be a clean and orderly home as well! It’s all about proper storage 69% of people say that they do creative activities to build their self-esteem and inner strength. If you regularly do…