Crafts: Doodle Art,  Crafts: Painting,  Holiday: Pesach/Passover

Hand Lettering With Gouache For Journaling And So Much More!

Hand lettering With gouache for journalingIsn’t that just the way it goes, that when I have a long list of things to do that creative voice in my head insists on venting some energy? So there you have it folks, at one of the busiest times of year I suddenly find myself experimenting with gouache and for the first time ever, some fun hand lettering with really bright and decorative letter forms! Okay, at least I picked a phrase that goes with the theme of Passover (quickly approaching, yikes) and this little sign now looks just as cute as can be hanging in my kitchen. And now I think I need to do one that is a bit more positive, like “be free” or “choose freedom”, don’t you think?

I will say, this little project didn’t go so quickly as controlling a tiny brush for the details isn’t one of my greatest skills just yet, and I did make quite a few mistakes that had to be painted over, but all in all, I love the not so perfect results and would love to get much better at this. Suddenly all those amazing creative journal pages I’ve saved on Pinterest seem like something that is right up my alley at the moment, now where did I put all those journals?

Hand lettering With gouache for journaling

Upon a closer look you may notice some muddy areas, which is due to over painting, one of the nice qualities about gouache, as opposed to watercolors. Gouache can be opaque, or at least somewhat opaque, which comes in handy. Gouache is used on watercolor paper, so it can be watered down to achieve gradients of color rather than adding white. Gouache can also be used together with watercolors, which is a great way to add some opaque color to your work, or really bold color. Try gouache instead of liquid watercolors for intensity, I think you’ll love it!

Ahh yes, and just in case you think I am totally impractical, this little sign is actually part of a fun and oh so creative project for Passover, so stay tuned to see the rest of the elements.


One Comment

  • Linda Day

    Hi Rivka, what is that paint called in Hebrew? Funny, but it sounds like “goash” that I use for spin art (with a lettuce spinner, by the way).