Gardening: Succulents
An Amazing Succulent: Rock Purslane
I love gardens and all things botanical and I am always on the lookout for interesting plants and great garden design, where ever our travels take us! The love for all things drought tolerant is particularly strong in California, by necessity, but also because so many of the drought tolerant species are just downright wonderful. I thought I was somewhat well versed regarding succulents, but apparently not, as an amazing succulent called Rock Purslane, somehow flew under my radar, has now come to my attention and wow, wow, wow! Look at those amazing vibrant pink flowers on tall stalks! I’m sold, of course we are now in the shemittah year…
Oribe Gorge Succulent In Bloom Once Again!
One of my favorite plants, and one of the many succulents that you’ll find growing in my container garden is now in bloom! And it is quite exciting for me as the two pots containing this succulent native to South Africa’s Oribe Gorge did not bloom at all last year. I was thinking that possibly I babied them too much by bringing them indoors for part of the winter, or that they preferred the hotter location that they once occupied. In any case, I now know that they have acclimated to their newish spot on the little Romeo and Juliet style balcony in my kitchen, and for some reason decided…
Brighten Up Winter With Kalanchoe In Bloom!
Ahhhhh, gorgeous kalanchoe in pink, red and coral are just the thing to brighten up winter right about now! Thanks to Ikea, where these little pots were just 9 shekels each (plants are expensive here in Israel, very annoying since they are grown here and Israel is a world expert is such things) so I couldn’t resist. Outside on our blue tile Moroccan table (more about that another day) they look just as cheerful as can be, and at some point I will have to actually plant them in a larger pot, but for now I have them sitting in a bonsai pot, and the plants are full enough to…
A Fabulous Succulent Globe In Montreal At The BioSphere
Despite great hopes for continuing my crafting spree this week, that just isn’t possible on account of a bunch of graphic design and brand development work that floated by and got stuck in my radar, so this week I’m going to continue sharing with you more photos from our adventures this past August in Canada and New York State. And since my mother especially appreciates these posts, hi mom, enjoy! Hands down, one of my favorite spots in Montreal is the Biosphere designed by Buckminster Fuller for the 1967 World’s Fair, and while I did share a few photos with you, I saved these photos of this fantastic succulent globe…
How To Create Gorgeous Planters With Mixed Succulents
One of the great things about having an extensive succulent garden is that you can create new pots with lovely mixes of different species! And while succulents are all the rage no one really seems to be talking about what to do when those succulent babies grow up. Or maybe they don't grow up as people are trying to raise them indoors which isn't preferable? Hmmmm. In any case, I'm here to tell you that some succulents grow quickly and others do not, and many infact become quite leggy and not so attractive, meaning a good trim is generally necessary. With that in mind, new pots of succulents can then…