Container Gardening,  Container Gardening: Houseplants,  Gardening

Cyclamen In Bloom For Over Five Months, Wow!

How-to-grow-cyclamanCyclamen are native to Israel, and a seasonal favorite that is so easy to care for and gives so much more in return! I purchased two cyclamen plants from nursery in Maalot at the end of October, and now five MONTHS later they are still in full bloom with many buds still to open! That is truly amazing, and I wish I had purchased four plants……maybe next year? This year it doesn’t look like we’ll be doing much summer traveling, if at all, so once the plants stop blooming I will put them in a larger pot and continue to water them and hope to see them re-bloom next year. I’ll keep you posted!

A few weeks ago I shared with you photos of all the cyclamen plants in bloom around town, but i didn’t get around to sharing the two cyclamen gracing the table next to my front door! Most of those that I shared with you receive sun, so I’m assuming those will not last as long as mine which are in total shade. I do have a few more tips, so keep on reading!

Pink-cyclamen-careCyclamen Success Tips:

  • Keep in total shade outdoors, as the plants prefer cool temperatures
  • Indoors place plants in bright light and very cool location.
  • Bring plants indoors to use as centerpieces but then return them to their outdoor location.
  • Keep soil very moist, do not let plant dry out even slightly.
  • Don’t panic if your plant totally collapses, just water it! (This has happened to these very plants numerous times.)
  • Enjoy!