Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to craft schooling Sunday! After an amazing three or so weeks of Jewish holidays, I am experiencing a huge desire to get crafting, and just hoping that I'll tackle all the post holiday disorder before getting started on that, ha ha. Ah yes, and then there is that committment to get my studio in order, sigh. On the other hand I'll certainly unearth a bunch of supplies that are crying out to be used, so that will be exciting! (Yes, unearth, the situation is that bad…..but i'm just human!) The features from last week's party are just so inspiring, and I'm sure you'll enjoy them too. Thanks…
Recycled Cardboard Tube Owls And A Tree
Here my friends is a simple craft for fall, or anytime really, using the simplest of materials with fun results. One can of course use toilet paper tubes to make owls, but this time around I decided to use a paper towel tube to make tow paper towel tube owls! And that fun tree? I used a really thick aluminum foil tube, one of many I have yet to craft with! So there may just be a whole forest coming soon, sounds like so much fun to me, as I have been a bit craft deprived of late. This craft is fun to make with younger kids or an idea…
Paper Boats Make Perfect Birthday Party Decorations!
A few evenening ago I was reading a Curious George story to a little family member, and when we came upon the part where he folds up the newspapers into boats, well we just had to make some paper boats of our own. As it turns out this simple origami paper boat activity kept this very active three and a half year old glued to the chair, and he kept asking me to make more and more. He helped a bit by running his little finger along the edges to crease the paper, but was otherwise just plain thrilled to observe the process. Fortunately I was able to sneek in…
Embroidered Hoop Art From A Child’s Drawing
Stopping by for a guest post, (and with great timing on account of our just having celebrated 8 wonderful days of holiday, and now there is big clean up job waiting to be done) which is such a treat since that rarely happens here on creativejewishmom.com, is Maria from sewjewish.com with a really fun DIY that I would love to do myself, and can't quite believe I haven't done it yet! Fortunately I have saved some line drawings from when my kids were younger, so I am not lacking any inspiration, just time really! That said, I'll let Maria do the rest of the talking:
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday! As I am typing this (on Friday afternoon) pots are simmering on the stove and there are many preparations before we usher in shabbat, a special shabbat that is because we will be spending it in the Succah, one of my very favorite places. We gather in the succah for all of our meals, festive ones, at that, and many members of the family sleep in the succah as well, which is a very special experience, and at the least so much fun! Last week's party was packed with amazing creativity, thanks so much to all those who dropped by to share! And…
Using A 50mm Lens To Create Artfully Blurred Photos (And My Oribe Gorge In Bloom)
My beloved Oribe Gorge succulent is now predictably in bloom, and the little round pompom-like orange flowers are just too fabulous! As the sun was going down the other day I ran out to our porch with my new 50mm lens to try and capture some of the lovliness! I can't say that I really know how to use this lens just yet, in a predictable way that is, but loving that I can get those really blurred out backgrounds with the foreground theoretically in really sharp focus. I didn't exactly accomplish that here, but thought I'd share these photos with you, as I have a tradition of sharing phtoos…