Holiday: Tisha B'Av
Remembering Jerusalem Doodles
With Tisha B’Av, the Ninth of Av, quickly approaching, doing some crafting that is relevant to the time period is a must! it is true, there are all kinds of laws whose observance helps us not to forget, but the greatest reminder is to quite simply to get busy thinking about Jerusalem, and I’m here to help you with that! There is something about doodling that is just perfect for summer, and anyone can do it, so I thought that coming up with doodle patterns that depict Jerusalem would be perfect right about now. I’ve chosen to use Jerusalem domed houses and buildings, cypress trees and the stones of the…
Remembering Jerusalem Crafts For The Nine Days
The period of mourning for Jerusalem that is referred to as “The Nine Days” on the Jewish calendar is well underway and this year The Ninth of Av, the culmination of this period, actually falls on shabbat but will be observed on Sunday. Lets add some meaning to this important time with some creative crafts! For those of us who live in Israel, and for whom the idea of Jerusalem is real, the crafts are a great reminder that while it is summer vacation (my boys are actually still in school until the end of this week ) and a time to unwind from the pressures of the school year,…
Spelt And Oatmeal Rolls For The Meals Before T’isha B’Av
A whole eight years ago I posted these photos of my healthful spelt and oatmeal rolls, and now I myself had to visit the blog to look up the recipe, so I realized that I should just re-post it as the photos are good enough, (though I did have to add a title and a watermark) unlike some of my very early blog posts. Tonight we are ushering in the very solemn day of T’Isha B’Av, which is also a mandatory 25 hour fast, (there are of course exceptions for children under bar/bat mitzvah age, those with illness or women after birth,) and we will be eating two vegetarian meals…
DIY Mosaic Planter Is The Perfect Summer Craft
Since it looks like there will be no summer adventures outside of Israel for us this year, I realized that I should take a closer look at all the amazing things happening practically outside my door, and photograph them to share with you! For starters I just noticed this lovely mosaic dove and chamsa planter that is just as sweet as can be and the perfect theme for the three weeks, because the dove is a Jewish symbol of peace, healing and hope for a better world. Given the size of the vines in the planter it has been there for several months, gasp! So I can’t believe I just…
- Crafts: Collage, Crafts: Paper, Crafts: Recycling, Holiday: The 17th of Tammuz, Holiday: Tisha B'Av, Holiday:Tenth of Tevet
Gates Of Jerusalem Collage Art
The “Three Weeks” on the Jewish calendar is always such a challenging time, as on the one hand it is a mourning period, which intensifies for the last 9 days, and on the other hand it is summer vacation! There is no listening to music or playing musical instruments, and joyful occasions that can be planned, like weddings are not permitted. This year we are in a serious time warp and difficult time in any case, so processing it all seems less difficult, but usually the idea of no swimming during the 9 days just when kids would be going to camp might be hard to process. That said, one…
- Crafts: Collage, Crafts: Paper, Holiday: The 17th of Tammuz, Holiday: Tisha B'Av, Holiday:Tenth of Tevet
Process Art Collage For The Three Weeks
Process art is all about the making of the art as either therapy or a way of loosening up, or both. The end result is not what counts, but rather the process. I do want to write about this a bit more, but my daughter is waiting for me to help her with her photography homework, so lets just say that this bits and pieces collage is a great project to do today, on the 17th of Tammuz, while you think abou the importance of the day, especially on a personal level. Do it with your kids and have a conversation, or do it with yourself (as I did) and…