Wishing You A Happy Eighth Night Of Hanukkah
Wishing you all a wonderful eighth night of Hanukkah! May the light of your menorah illuminate all the dark corners of your world, and may you and your loved ones have a joyful year to come! Hanukkah is a very special holiday is which for eight nights we remember the miracle of the olive oil in our holy temple, and give thanks for all the goodness in our lives. Tonight is called "zot chanukah" meaning "this is chanukah" and we get to enjoy the menorah fully lit and take advantage of this special opportunity to gaze at its special holy light and simply be grateful!
Mini Doughnuts For Hanukkah Baked By Kids In A Mini Doughnut Machine
Mini doughnuts really are just the cutest, and perfect for Hanukkah aren't they? My fourteen year old daughter is now the head baker in our home, and she made these to serve to our houseful of guests this shabbat, and after lighting the menorah for the eighth night of chanukah, just a few hours ago. And no, these aren't what one could call a "healthy treat" but certainly preferable to the fried traditional hanukkah doughnuts! Best of all is that making these doughnuts can be a fun activity for any little bakers, together with the use of a mini doughnut or combo mini doughnut maker. If you are wondering whether…
A Simple Bear Birthday Cake For A Fourth Birthday
Once again I pulled out the teddy bear cake pan and my large red plastic tray in order to whip up a cute birthday cake in as little time as possible. With a cake pan that results in a cake that is at least the silhouette you desire, and a few simple toppings like whipped cream or icing, edible cake decorating paper (used here for the first time) licorice, sprinkles, and striped sour sticks, for example, you too can create something cute in just about 15 or so minutes. My little patent that really adds so very much? That would be colored paper shapes of course to make balloons and…
Quick And Cute Birthday Crowns For Any Age, Any Occasion
Every birthday party deserves birthday crowns, and now you can make some super cute ones in a pinch, which believe me is exactly what I did this past Friday! As the maker of a birthday party for a grandpa and his first grandchild, I though it would be just the greatest to make crowns from them both……one with the age and one with a question mark. Funny enough the grandpa didn't quite get it and we had to explain it to him! In any case the crowns were a big hit, and a great addition to the party. I will surely make more like these for years to come, and…
Plastic Canvas Hanukkah Garlands
Wishing you all a very wonderful Hanukkah filled with light and joy! This year I can honestly say, that the creative life I try to encourage here does not always allow time for things like blogging! So just popping in to share just a tiny glimpse of what is going on in our home during this festive week of Hanukkah. My duaghter is on vacation all week, while the boys have half a day of school, which is really wonderful this time of year. We have been having serious winter weather with pouring rain for days and we are all wearing layers of winter clothes to keep warm and cozy.…
Play Hanukkah Cookies Made From Hama (Perler) Beads
Hanukkah starts on Saturday night, and yes I have been crafting non-stop, phew! Here's a fun Chanukah craft that the kids can do all week long, and certainly sugar-free! Get out the hama beads and make some Hanukkah cookies for a play tea party, fun right? Of course you can always hang your hama bead hanukkah cookies as a mobile, but I love them displayed on a plate for a touch of holiday whimsy. Wishing you all a wonderful light filled Hanukkah, and keep reading for some more photos!