Hannukah Digital Craft Kits So You Can Get Crafting Right Now!
With Hanukkah starting this coming Saturday night now is the time to set aside some time for some serious crafting! And to make the most of your time with the best results, I'd recommend purchasing one or two of my Hanukkah digital craft kits to make your life just a bit easier? Plus the results are just too adorable, with so many options to make these digital kits kid friendly as well. I'll admit, I still have bunch of these cardboard menorahs that I made last year as centerpieces for a large Hanukkah party, and if packed away nicely, they certainly can be used for a few years! Now is…
Clay Dreidels Hanukkah Craft
These clay dreidel ornaments are a fun Hanukkah craft for all ages, and with Hanukkah just a week away, there is still time for all kinds of crafting, and of course making things from air drying clay could be great right about now. Or use this as inspiration to make some Hanukkah ornaments from baker's clay, almost forgot about that one! I made these with some left over clay that I had rolled out and used to make some other projects, and I just love their rustic simplicity! Not sure just yet how or where I'll display them but I'm thinking they might be perfect together with the clay bunting…
String Light Hanukkah Art Kid’s Craft
Here's a fun idea for turning your kid's drawings into cute holiday decorations, and not only does it only take a few minutes, but it sure beats putting them on the fridge! And once the holiday or occasion is over, you can simply remove the lights and store flat until next year. And before you know it you just might have a whole gallery full of fun kid's art to pull out any time. It also just occurred to me to gently remind you as well that when we make an effort to show our kids how much we love their art, they'll be encouraged to make more! Okay, lets…
- Chanukah Crafts, Crafts: Crochet, Crochet Decor And Home, Crochet With Commercial T-Shirt Yarn, Holiday: Chanukah/Hanukkah
Crocheted Star Trivet Using T-Shirt Yarn Makes A Quick Unique Gift!
It is pouring rain outside and I have the luxury of spending a few days to do some crafting for Chanukah, and the first thing that came to mind was to try and use up all the t-shirt yarn that I have (so that I can justify buying more, of course!) and that is how these crochted star trivets were born, and I just love them! This is a quick gift to whip up in multiples for holiday giving and would be perfect together with an assortment of teas, or even better a nice teapot. Of course you could also make a large garland or wall hanging, or sew a…
The Best Chicken Soup Recipe Ever With Lots Of Vegetables But No White Potatoes!
Photo courtesy of Bon Appetite, check out their chicken noodle soup recipe. Last Friday afternoon as I was preparing our meals for shabbat, (and taking note of the cold weather forecast) I decided to whip up a big pot of chicken soup as the main course, and the results were so delicious I just had to share my recipe with you. And I'll admit, I love using this blog as a place for saving recipes, so there's something in it for me too! And yes, it is true that it is pretty hard to mess up chicken soup, but know the right veggies to add really makes a huge difference…
Craft Schooling Sunday Is Taking A Holiday Break
Dear readers, thanks so much for dropping by and wishing you all a wonderful holiday season. Craft Schooling Sunday is taking a break for the month of December as it has done for the past 6 or so years (lost count!) and I look forward to reconnecting with you all on the first Sunday in 2017. Of course the blog will continue to post crafts, so please don't be strangers as you join me for a slightly hectic crafting marathon over the next two weeks. All the very best!