Wishing You A Sweet New Year!
Rosh Hashanah, The Jewish New Year, starts on Sunday night! Wishing everyone a shana tovah, a new year filled with good things: good health, success in all your endeavours and blessings all around! May we have unlimited opportunity in the new year to engage in acts of kindness towards others and make our own personal contribution to the world, because these are the things that really count. Looking forward to another year sharing my creative endeavours and travels with all of you, my beloved readers, so thanks for joining me here! May we all merit to be sealed in the book of life, and have a chatima tovah! Save
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! On Sunday night we usher in the Jewish New Year, Rosh HaShana, a holiday full of prayers and wishes for the new year, for ourselves, our families, the Jewish People, and the entire world. One of the most important mitzvot of Rosh HaShana is to hear the shofar, and even those who can not make it to a synagogue arrange to hear the shofar blown for them in their home, or at the home of a neighbor or somewhere in the community. I will be unplugged for the two days of the holiday, while of course this party…
Moroccan Carrot and Moroccan Beet Salad For Your Rosh HaShana Table!
I posted this idea for incorporating some simple Moroccan dishes into your Rosh HaShana meal plan years and years ago, so I thought I’d give it the light of day once again, as they are tasty and beautiful! Carrots and beets are traditional foods that we eat each Rosh HaShana, so why not try something a little bit exotic this year? These recipes are classic Moroccan salads that are traditionally served as a salad appetizer course for any festive meal. Moroccans are famous for their salads, so these are just two of many types of salads that appear even on my own table! And don’t you just love these small…
Apple Themed Crafts For Rosh HaShana, With Recycled Materials!
Speaking of my packed archives, I have also taken this round-up of apple themed crafts from the archives for your enjoyment right now in 2019, as we prepare for the Jewish Holiday of Rosh HaShana, with less than a week to go. Certainly you could fit in an apple napkin ring, or even one of my fabric apples made with a tin can? Go for it and end the year with some creativity! Hey guess what dear readers, my archives are packed to the gills with great projects that really should see the light of day once in a while, so today I’m sharing with you 10 fun apple recycling…
Doodle Bees For Rosh HaShana!
Rosh HaShana is just around the corner, so in a pinch I realized that my folk art doodle bees didn’t need to become a wall hanging but rather would look great just taped on the wall. Yes, of course the parthership of my doodle bees and this Swedish apple poster by fine little day are what make the simplicity of taping the bees to the wall successful, then again, I think they’d look great as is as well. So dear readers, do spend the time to create some fun decorations for Rosh HaShana, but don’t get too stressed out about how to display them, simply tape them on the wall,…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! The Jewish holiday of Rosh HaShana is in just one week, so now is the time to get crafting and cooking for this festive yet serious two day holiday that ushers in the “high holidays.” I am thinking about Succah decor and the projects I had hoped to already have completed but so be it. Once again it will be a bit of a mad rush, sigh. Though I did purchase some cotton yarn today with the hopes of crocheting some trim for the lampshades I made last year……and since I’m going out of town, this will hopefully…