
Wishing You A Wonderful Passover!

Tzfat  Israel Sunset over MeronAt sundown on Friday night we will not only welcome the holy shabbos, we’ll also welcome the amazing holiday of Passover! This year we will all be celebrating for eight days, as the last day of Passover in Israel is back to back with shabbat, so we will just keep eating matzo, as though it is still Passover. I’m always sad to see the holiday end after so much hard work, so I’ll happily take another day! This year we found ourselves without any guests, which is so unusual and then we were invited rather last minute to stay in a vacation apartment in the Old City of Jerusalem for 6 nights in exchange for hosting a single Dad and his two boys there, and we were able to say YES to the offer. Of course this meant getting ready much earlier than planned, but this also means once in Jerusalem we will slide into the holiday with relatively loittle stress as I’ve already done the bulk of the cooking at home, yippee! And of course I’ll take lots of photos to share with you when I get back!

So I am writing this at 4am after spending (slaving?, which is perfect for the Passover story) the entire day and night cooking for our days in Jerusalem (I even froze Moroccan salads, no choice!) and wishing you a wonderful Passover holiday. May you experience great joy and freedom and find deep meaning in this wonderful holiday.
