Cooking: Bread and Rolls
Simple Flowers And Leaves Decorated Challah
I am rushing to post this as there is still cooking to be done for the holiday of Shavuot, which we are welcoming tonight! Round braided challahs decorated with simple flowers and leaves really do make your holiday table special, so if you have a few extra minutes, give it a try, even for just one challah! This design is quite simple to make, and if you follow the instructions, I do think you’ll be happy with the results! Trust me, I’ve been doing this for years, with varied results, and this design actually looks good after baking as well, which many just do not. So make some round braided…
Flower Covered Challah For Shavuot!
We are welcoming the beautiful Jewish holiday of Shavuot tonight, and I decided last night that it was time to make some decorated challahs to embrace the holiday, in which we bring flowers and greenery into our homes to remember the lush surroundings on Mt. Sinai. Yes indeed, I did take note of the relative luxury of this act while many of my fellow Israelis were in bomb shelters, and I am grateful to live in a location that is generally not a target, and we have never used the bomb shelter room in our home as such, though I am relieved that we have one! Okay, back to challahs…
Spelt And Oatmeal Rolls For The Meals Before T’isha B’Av
A whole eight years ago I posted these photos of my healthful spelt and oatmeal rolls, and now I myself had to visit the blog to look up the recipe, so I realized that I should just re-post it as the photos are good enough, (though I did have to add a title and a watermark) unlike some of my very early blog posts. Tonight we are ushering in the very solemn day of T’Isha B’Av, which is also a mandatory 25 hour fast, (there are of course exceptions for children under bar/bat mitzvah age, those with illness or women after birth,) and we will be eating two vegetarian meals…
Special Grape Leaf Challahs For Tu B’Shevat
Wednesday night is the perfect time to bake delicious homemade challah, and with the special shabbat of Tu B'Shevat coming up this week, how about making your challahs just a little bit special? Well, of course all challah is special, but when you spend a few minutes to add a bit of extra something, well special takes on a whole new meaning! Let's do it, shall we?
- Cooking: Bread and Rolls, Cooking: Healthy!, Cooking: Israeli Cuisine, Cooking: Jewish Moroccan Cuisine, Cooking: Vegan
Lacto-Fermented Pickled Vegetables Are Healthy And Delicious!
Fermented foods like pickled vegetables, sourdough bread, kombucha tea, kefir and yogurt, to name a few, are all great ways to eat healthy pro-biotic foods in order to colonize your gut with good things. One of the interesting and really important things that I learned towards the end of 2016 is what a major role intestinal health plays in our overall health, and how oblivious traditional medicine is to this idea. If you or your loved ones are unfortunately dealing with health issues I highly highly recommend looking into the field of Functional Medicine that addresses the role that food plays regarding illness. That said, it turns out that my…