Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft schooling Sunday, thanks for joining me here! This week we will be celebrating Purim, a very festive and crafty Jewish holiday, and since I have yet to get crafty I will just say thanks for joining me here, and enjoy the features….. I’m off to string up some pom poms, make some giant origami clowns and figure out what to give this year for mishloach manot, the gifts of food for friends and neighbors. Hmmm, the local queen of craft may just do something simple this year, which is really just fine right? Sometimes we just need to lower the bar a bit as there are only…
Big Clown Cake Topper For Your Circus Themed Party, Or For Purim!
What do you do when the Purim party is about to start, you’ve committed to some centerpieces and all you have are some stuffed paper hearts you made a few years back filling the vases that you need to fill with something new? Well, you decide to use those stuffed paper hearts to make the most adorable little clowns ever, and you can’t really believe it yourself that you pulled it off, and came up with something that is perfect to share with your dear readers for Purim! Yes indeed, this craft is another one from the archives as I’ve been under the weather this week and busy with other…
DIY Castle Centerpiece Recycling Craft
A fun DIY castle centerpiece made from recyclables is truly up my alley, and so this project from the past is still one of my very favorites. Come to think of it, this castle centerpiece is really a quick project, so what am I waiting for…..with Purim in just a week now would be the time to whip up a new one! If you know me, well then I certainly have a shoebox and various cardboard tubes hanging out just waiting to be used, so no excuses really except that life is very busy at the moment. Now as far as you dear reader are concerned, a colorful castle crafted…
Giant DIY Party Hats Centerpiece
Giant cardboard party hats are the perfect thing to make when you want to make a statement with festive decorations for a birthday party, or in our case the upcoming Jewish holiday of Purim, but you don’t have a huge amount of time to invest. Make them in a few sizes, and place them in the middle of the table as a fun centerpiece. Next time I think I’ll go with solid colors and huge white polka dots and a yarn or plastic bag pom pom on top. I’ll let you in on a little secret though, I have actually used these hats as Purim party decorations for our community…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, and thanks so much for joining me here! It is now the Jewish month of Adar, and since every Jewish month has a defined personality, this in the month of overflowing joy! From my standpoint there is no greater way to express joy than with all out crafting, so lets get to work shall we? Tomorrow night is our community’s women’s Purim party, and yours truly is always in charge of the decorations……..this year I did not have any time to plan ahead, so tomorrow morning I’m filling a friend’s car with bags and bags full of fabric, and boxes and boxes of decorations…
Crocheted Beard Is A Perfect Addition To Your DIY Costume
Awww, isn’t he just the sweetest? Well four years have passed since I crocheted this beard for my youngest son, and I’m happy to report that the costume did rub off on him and he has become quite the tzaddik, working really hard to learn lots of extra Torah in preparation for his upcoming bar mitzvah, as well as entrance exams for his next school phase. The crocheted beard for this Mordechai HaTzaddik costume was a huge success! Not only did it complete his costume, it was comfortable to wear, and even kept him warm as the Purim party/barbeque we attended went into the night and temperatures dropped!