Baby Shower Ideas,  Birthday Decorations,  Crafts: Recycling,  Crafts: Spring,  Gift Wrapping,  Holiday: Purim!

DIY Carrot Gift Tags For Purim!

Carrot-gift-tags-rabbit-themed-partyThe pressure is on folks, with Purim happening tomorrow night, and that means I must fit in a few creative projects, because otherwise the holiday just wouldn’t feel right, to me that it, I don’t think anyone will notice. Thanks to the large plastic bag pom poms on our living room now for months, well the house looks like it is ready for a party anytime, phew! That said, the mishloach manot, gifts of food for neighbors and friends and teachers (I’m done with that!) and folks we need for acknowledge or give thanks to, does need to happen! For the past two years I’ve given everyone a really nice selection of homemade Moroccan salads, but this year it feels like a bit too much, so I’m going the healthy route with a large quinoa mixed veggie salad, some spelt rolls and maybe some corriander pesto. Since the them is “healthy” and I have some adobrable little rabbit shaped plastic bags for the rolls, I figured a carrot gift tag fits the bill. Not quite sure how this all will come together, I’m running to the store right now, as I can’t exactly put salad in recycled oatmeal containers, can I. No, not even in a plastic bag inside the oatmeal container, that sounds weird as well. Wishing everyone joyful holiday preparations, and please, no perfection, just simcha!

And on that note of perfection, this is actually one of the first times that I’ve actually planned ahead with the gift tag before the gift, there were plenty of years when I made a gorgeous gift basket but forgot about the importance of the tag. Just sayin’ everything in its time!

Carrot-gift-tags-rabbit-themed-partyI like the look of the natural wook yarn as the string, but will buy some cotton string or hemp string…….because where is that ribbon I had planned to use. Hmmmm

DIY-carrot-gift-tagsHere is the sheet I designed on the computer and had printed at a local print shop, for great bright colors! i adhered pieces of the sheet to some shirt insert cardboard (it is white, perfect to save!) and then cut them out. As I was spending time cutting out all these carrots I was thinking how some folks might spend less time on the whole thing than I’ve spend on the gift tag, and that is just fine, not everyone’s priorities are the same. But I’d say make creativity a priority, and spread the word on Purim!