Cooking: Desert Bar Ideas
Quick Meringue Hearts In A Pinch
I’ll make this quick, because after all, who really has time to spend making desserts for a dessert bar, especially when it is last minute? I’ll admit, desserts are my daughter’s thing, and she assembled these adorable hearts for a friend’s engagement party dessert bar. Dessert bars need quite a few items to look great, so something like this, which simply requires filling some store bought meringue hearts with whipped cream, a cookie and a candy or two, can truly be a life saver. Who eats the desserts anyway? Maybe the little kids with the sticky hands that reach up onto that table? So I say, make something that is…
A Gorgeous Candy Topped Engagement Cake
Want to make a really stunning cake that will surely bring oohs and aahs all around? The candy and cookies topped cake trend is just the thing, especially for folks like me who do not want to spend hours on a cake! And one could surely buy an iced cake, even a high cheese cake from the grocery store and simply decorate the top. “Simply” meaning assuming you have an assortment of really great looking candy and cookies, which, if we in our somewhat remote Northern Israel location can purchase at the store, you surely can! Before I continue, let me just say, I did not bake and decorate this…
- Birthdays: Cakes and Decorations, Chanukah Recipes, Cooking: Desert Bar Ideas, Cooking: Kids in the Kitchen, Cooking: Shabbos, Holiday: Hanukkah Treats
Chocolate Chip Cookies With Sprinkles For Chanukah Or Any Festivity!
Wishing everyone a lovely light-filled Chanukah on this fourth night of Chanukah. It is pouring cats and dogs here in Northern Israel creating a very dramatic setting for the glowing flames of the holiday. My kids are all snugly tucked in bed with a book so I’m taking a moment to share these fun cookies with you. Courtesy of my teen daughter I might add, who does all the baking……and who baked some more goodies today as we have a small army of guests coming for meals this special upcoming Shabbat! This idea is pretty self explanatory but keep on reading for a few tips……
- Bat and Bar Mitzvah Decorations, Cooking: Desert Bar Ideas, Cooking: Royal Icing Cookies, Wedding Accessories
Monogram Engagement Cookies With Printable Icing Sheets
Baking is now my teenage daughter’s department, and she is doing a great job at it, sometimes too great in fact as I’m trying to avoid sugar. These monogram engagement cookies could be posted as a craft fail, but rather than be that harsh lets just say we (she, rather) learned a big lesson with this one: don’t try out something new when under pressure! Our neighbor’s daughter got engaged and my daughter wanted to help make some deserts for the desert bar, fair enough. However, her schedule was packed and she had to make the deserts ahead of time as she would be away on a school trip the…
- Bat and Bar Mitzvah Decorations, Birthday Cakes Simple And Cute, Birthdays: Cakes and Decorations, Cooking: Desert Bar Ideas, Cooking: Kids in the Kitchen, Holiday: Purim!, Holiday: Shabbat
No Bake Popsicle Cookies Are Simply Adorable
With everything looking pinker than pink in blog land this week, I thought I’d contribute with these super simple and beyond adorable no-bake popsicle cookies! And I’ll just add that these are courtesy of my 16 year old daughter who is quite the expert at these kinds of things…….her mother would rather be painting, or making something healthy! Regardless it is great to have a trick like this up your sleeve when another neighbor’s daughter is having an engagement party and the desert bar needs to be beyond gorgeous! Ah yes, and with Purim coming up, some of these presented with a summer theme could be an amazing mishloach manot!…
- Birthdays: Cakes and Decorations, Cooking: Desert Bar Ideas, Cooking: Royal Icing Cookies, Holiday: Purim!
Royal Icing Clown Hat Cookies For Purim
Yes it is true dear readers, this year I have had to significantly lower the bar for my traditional Purim extravaganza as there just haven’t been enough hours in the day. And you know what, it really is okay, and our holiday will still be wonderful and festive on account of buying certain things we would normally make, or using decorations that we already have on hand. My daugher on the other hand did have time to continue with her royal icing cookie adventures, and for starters she made these adorable clown hat cookies which I have already wrapped up and will use as gift tags, if you can imagine…