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DIY Stand-Up Cardboard Polar Bear Centerpiece

DIY cardboard polar bear centerpiece

Looking for a fun winter-themed centerpiece to whip up for an upcoming birthday party or winter themed celebration? Give this DIY cardboard stand-up polar bear a try, and you’ll put smiles on every face! Of course, you can make this polar bear any size that suits your table, but if you go big, well that certainly fills more space and makes more of a statement— more bang for the buck if you will! While you can certainly make a whole family of polar bears in different sizes, which could be just adorable, you can also choose to make some cardboard huskies, which is also super adorable and a great contrast is size: namely little dog meets huge polar bear! Both of these animals are courtesy of Mr. Printables, and I’ve been wanting to make them for years. Fortunately I at last found an excuse: our winter/snow themed Chanukah birthday party, yippee! Keep on reading for some tips and more photos.



You’ll Need:

  • recycled cardboard
  • white paint
  • a black permanent marker
  • template courtesy of Mr. Printables, right here
  • tracing paper or baking paper to trace template right off the screen if necessary

How To:

For complete instructions, refer to my cardboard huskies tutorial here. Enjoy!
