Crocheting For Hanukkah!
Crochet projects for Hanukkah? Of course, because as you all know, I love to crochet, and so crocheting is often a big part of my hanukkah crafting! With the holiday approaching quickly I thought I’d share some crochet projects from the archives to get you started, as the time is now! I on the other hand am busy with editorial crafting content that does not at the moment include crocheting, but I will fit some in there hopefully sooner than later! Above: Super simple crocheted star trivets using industrial t-shirt yarn make great gifts, and if you make a bunch you could even string them together to make a table…
Getting Ready To Celebrate A Stress-Free Hanukkah With Family
Hanukkah starts on the night of December 12th, so now is the time to start getting ready for this wonderful eight night Jewish holiday. My kids look forward to celebrating Hanukkah all year, because in our home it is a joyful holiday full of family together time which includes traditional Hanukkah meals and treats, practical presents often given according to a theme for the night, fun prizes, and of course lots of dreidel spinning! This year I’m going to do my best to make the holiday as relaxing and stress-free as possible, which really just boils down to planning ahead, being realistic and most importantly being present for your family!…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday! Every year I take a break with the party for the month of December, and I can’t believe that time has come again. So, here’s to the last party of 2017, give it your all! I hope all the Americans in the crowd have been taking advantage of the long weekend to get crafting? If not, then hopefully you are spending time with family, friends, and loved ones, or doing something truly meaningful, or both. Now of course family time can also be crafting time, as can travel time…….knitting, crocheting and embroider are all really great crafts to do on the…
Wool Felt Stars For Holiday Crafting
Aren’t these eight pointed wool felt stars great looking? I have to say I never thought that felt could look so good, that is until today when I started crafting for the very first time with 100% wool felt, which is a very very distant relative of the acrylic felt I’ve been using for years. More on that another time, for now I just want to share with you that wool felt is wonderful for holiday crafting, and you are going to love the rich colors one can find, ahhhhhh. I’m going to be creating quite a few crafts for Chanukah using wool felt, some which I’ll be able to…
Blue And White Marshmellow Skewer Party Favor For A Bar Mitzvah Or Hanukkah?
The other night I dropped by to wish the parents of a boy in my son’s class mazel tov on their son’s bar mitzvah, and of course I had to have a look at what the mother, who is the baking queen, whipped up for this special occassion. Truthfully I didn’t look too closely as I am saying no to sugar, but I did love these blue and white marshmellow skewers, that looked great and are so simple to whip up, even a week or more before the special occasion. As I have stated before, we don’t buy candy generally but for a bar mitzvah, and we have one coming…
Cute Bar Mitzvah Party Favor: Candy Sefer Torahs
Yes, it is time to get crafting for Chanukah, but I’m stuck under a pile of graphic design work and just cant’ seem to get out, so in the mean time I have a few cute Bar Mitzvah party favor ideas to share with you……ideas that is, courtesy of bar mitzvah parties for a few boys in my son’s class. This week alone there are three bar mitzvahs, with another one next week, and fortunately it is totally acceptable to drop by on the late side to say mazel tov and socialize a bit, assuming this isn’t the bar mitzvah of one of your very best friend’s sons! So I…