Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! With Passover in just under three weeks, the clock is ticking and spring cleaning and trying to escape from the slavery of our possesions (in my personal case) will be happening in full force this coming week. I’m sure you can understand why I’d want to hang onto a bag of milk cartons I’ve been collecting and plastic ice cream container tops, among many other recyclables, right? Thanks, because no one in my immediate family sees the virture of these items and so I have to wage a personal battle in the name of hopefully using those items in the near future with some kids who could really use a creative boost. Very fortunately I do have a basement space in which to store these items in numbered boxes, and I’m thinking that maybe I’ll make a goal of using up all these stored supplies in the next year, that could be great! Then again maybe I should just donate it all to a school and spend the time painting, hmmm. While I ponder that thought and you ponder your thoughts about spring cleaning, lets take a look at the features from last week’s party:
A fun “Spring” bunny, made from a spring, get it? Brilliant as always, from Pillar Box Blue.
A sweet crocheted dream catcher with colorful ribbons from handmade by Amalia,and a fantastic knit scooter from Ginx craft.
Love this knit hat with a diamond pattern from kiku corner.
Adorable knit jumper from lilia craft party.
Fun unicorn and flamingo printables from busy being Jennifer.
A festive pom pom wreath from real coake, with a great tutorial.
Wow, wow, wow, what an amazing coach to crochet a amigurumi cheerleader/carnival dancing doll for each girl, from frau tschi tschi.
A fun and simple giant granny square pouch or envelope from Anne Marie, and a great looking frilly crocheted flower that I can’t wait to try, from eye love knots.
That is it for the features, what have you been up to?

One Comment
Thank you so much Sara, for featuring my spring bunny.