Giant Origami Clown With Wings For The Front Door!
A giant origami clown makes a great decoration for the front door especially for the Jewish month of Adar and the holiday of Purim, and also of course anytime you're expecting guests for a festive occassion of any kind! And just in case you were wondering, my clown also happens to either be a bird dressed like a clown, or a clown dressed like a bird, you decide! Or maybe I could just eliminate the beak and it would be a giant origami clown angel? And can you guess what those ready-made wings were made from? Keep reading for the answer!
DIY Rubik’s Cube Costume That Is More Than Just A Cube!
Purim is a Jewish holiday that involves costumes, at least for younger kids, and this year I had a great time making m youngest a rubik's cube costume that actually turns, as opposed to a static cube, as well as a fun piece of cake pinata costume for my daughter. On Purim afternoon as we headed to a friend's home for a huge and festive Purim meal I was blessed with amazing lighting which enabled me to take some nice photos of the costumes in a historic alley just above our home. My only regret is that the beard and mustache that my some wore with this costume the day…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday! After all the preparations for our huge Purim celebration, and the big clean up afterwards and then cooking for shabbat things have been very very busy around here! And now, just when one might want to pause for a moment, we must go full gear into organizing and cleaning the house for Passover! Now, technicallhy one doesn't need to go crazy with this, but most of us feel that if we don't Passover just isn't Passover……all the cleaning and hard work helps us identify with the hardships the Jews endured in Egypt, and there is no better feeling than sitting down at the Passover seder…
Craft Scraps Party Plates That Kids Can Make Too!
Purim sameach, wishing you all a very joyful and meaningful Purim holiday! Today was a day filled with crafting by mom and three kids, in preparation for Purim and all the elements required to really celebrate this very festive and very action packed holiday. My ten year old is still working on his 20 milk carton characters which he is filling with treats for friends, and my 12 year old son mades these oh so sweet decorated party plates using bits of craft foam. Decorating plates with little scraps is so much fun, and perfect for kids who may not be so inclined to sit for hours making little milk…
- Birthday Decorations, Crafts: Recycling, Gift Wrapping, Holiday: Purim!, Party Decorations, Recycled Cardboard Box Craft, Wedding Decorations
Piece Of Cake Pinata Style Gift Box
Okay my friends, when it comes to creating a knock your socks off kind of gift box, this one really is a piece of cake! Pinata style party decorations using crepe paper are all the rage, and so this idea, namely an upcycled box covered pinata style in crepe paper strips to resemble a piece of cake, is right on target. And best of all, if your box is on the small side like mine, it really doesn't take a huge chunk of time, phew! So next time a nice little box comes your way, save and turn it into the funnest gift box or party favor box ever! I…
Piece Of Cake Pinata Costume!
A piece of cake pinata style costume is cuter than can be, and today my daughter wore her mommy-made extravaganza to school for their Purim costume party. Yes, a cake pinata this size is lots of work, but the results are so adorable that I have no regrets. There are so many ways to go with this costume, and admittedly she could have worn a birthday hat or something on her head, but in the end the twisted braided hair style (that my daughter did herself!) and lots of makeup made the costume complete. Want to make something like this yourself? I'll be happy to show you how, lets get…