DIY Paper Vase For Spring Makes An Amazing Gift!
When it comes to making a DIY paper vase, there are literally so many ways to go, though for me, the idea of using not successful artwork is a lightbulb moment that happened one evening. I was going to use an abstract pattern to create a vase, and in the same pile as that absract pattern was this sweet landscape that I liked, but didn’t love. As a vase however, it is fabulous! And friends, when you are in the groove of making lots of art, a way to use up anything you wouldn’t want to see on someone else’s wall is like gold! Even when painting on paper the pile starts to get out of control, so pick the ones you aren’t loving and then make a wonderful artful vase! While I wouldn’t want to give someone my mediocre painting, i would give them my mediocre painting turned into a vase, because it is just so charming! Okay, want to see the painting before I cut it up? Keep on reading……
Yup, here is the cute but not amazing painting, that I could have painted over, or worked on more, but sometimes you just gotta get out the scissors and sacrifice the art!
For complete instructions to make this paper vase, check out my previous post here.
Click on the word here, or here or here, all the same link, just feeling a bit giddy to not have to write instructions right about now, as the Passover cleaning awaits!
Wishing everyone happy and stress free Passover preparations!