Crafts: Doodle Art,  Crafts: Drawing,  Crafts: Recycling,  Holiday: Purim!,  Holiday: Rosh HaShana/New Years,  Recycled Cereal Box Crafts

Doodle Fish Gift Tags

Fish-shaped-gift-tags-PurimOkay dear readers, it is time to face the facts, the Jewish holiday of Purim is coming up in exactly two weeks, so now is the time to get started with the preparations! This year I think I’ll start with the thing that I generally run out of time for at the end, gift tags! Yes indeed, start with the seemingly simplest thing, and believe me you will not regret it. In the flurry of preparing the mishloach manot (gifts of food), whether you do it on Purim or a few days ahead of time, (more likely this year as Purim is on Friday!) having adorable gift tags on hand that you made yourself will be fantastic. And of course there are always last minute things to put together when someone arrives at your door with a gift for you and you need to quickly make one for them, right?

So check out my previous post how to make fish gift tags,  and whether you choose to actually make fish or maybe hamentaschen, or clown’s hats, or little bottles of wine, or ……….just do it, and enjoy! And if none of the aforementioned ideas suit you, how about little house shapes, and you can write ” from our home to yours.” Again, just do it!