Remembering Jerusalem Doodles
With Tisha B’Av, the Ninth of Av, quickly approaching, doing some crafting that is relevant to the time period is a must! it is true, there are all kinds of laws whose observance helps us not to forget, but the greatest reminder is to quite simply to get busy thinking about Jerusalem, and I’m here to help you with that! There is something about doodling that is just perfect for summer, and anyone can do it, so I thought that coming up with doodle patterns that depict Jerusalem would be perfect right about now. I’ve chosen to use Jerusalem domed houses and buildings, cypress trees and the stones of the Kotel as my doodling elements, though I’m sure you can some up with some more. So doodle a bunch of pages, and then color them, and/or set them aside to use for crafting. What crafting you may ask? Stay tuned for that one my dear readers!
Doodles are the most successful and the most relaxing when you repeat the same element over and over, in this case the same little domed building works wonderfully.
Here I doodled in horizontal sections, which can also be a great way to add some variety! So get out the paper and some black pens of various widths and go for it!