Remembering Jerusalem Doodles
With Tisha B’Av, the Ninth of Av, quickly approaching, doing some crafting that is relevant to the time period is a must! it is true, there are all kinds of laws whose observance helps us not to forget, but the greatest reminder is to quite simply to get busy thinking about Jerusalem, and I’m here to help you with that! There is something about doodling that is just perfect for summer, and anyone can do it, so I thought that coming up with doodle patterns that depict Jerusalem would be perfect right about now. I’ve chosen to use Jerusalem domed houses and buildings, cypress trees and the stones of the…
Jerusalem Doodles For The Nine Days
I am currently mostly unplugged but have dusted this one off and taken it out of the archives as a great summer crafting activity for the Nine Days. T’isha B’Av, the saddest day on the Jewish calendar coming up next Sunday and the 8 days preceding the holiday are days of mourning in which we do not eat meat or drink wine (except on shabbat), cut our hair, have weddings or parties of any kind, or listen to music just to name some of the laws of the period. It is a challenge to remember the seriousness of this period during summer vacation, and the greatest reminder is to quite simply…