Bare Trees In The Ukraine: Inspiring Photos Taken From The Car Window
On our recent trip to the Ukraine we spent many hours traveling by car, and I was mesmerized by the patterns I saw in the bare trees. Field after field after field, lines and lines and lines of bare trees that beckoned to be sketched into a pattern, to march along the fabric I was designing in my head……..I kept thinking about sketch books and the idea of recording such inspiration, and fortunately thought to just take some photos, blurry or not, from the window of the car. Knowing that I had captured this inspiration gave me great comfort, and hopefully I’ll have some time to use these images for…
Reflections On Lake George’s Northern Outlet
erThis post speaks for itself, as the reflections on the waters of Lake George's northern tip were truly enchanting on our visit last summer. Don't forget to spend quality time outdoors, it is soooooo important, with the goal that screen time = outdoor time! And folks that connect with nature not only benefit in so many ways health-wise, but it also helps one boost the creativity gears! Andbreathu know I'm in favor of that, so take a deep breath and enjoy!
Using A 50mm Lens To Create Artfully Blurred Photos (And My Oribe Gorge In Bloom)
My beloved Oribe Gorge succulent is now predictably in bloom, and the little round pompom-like orange flowers are just too fabulous! As the sun was going down the other day I ran out to our porch with my new 50mm lens to try and capture some of the lovliness! I can't say that I really know how to use this lens just yet, in a predictable way that is, but loving that I can get those really blurred out backgrounds with the foreground theoretically in really sharp focus. I didn't exactly accomplish that here, but thought I'd share these photos with you, as I have a tradition of sharing phtoos…