Crafts: Art Journal,  Crafts: Hearts,  Crafts: Painting,  Crafts: Painting and Drawing,  Crafts: Sketchbook,  Holiday: Tu B'Shevat Crafts

A Peek In My Sketchbook: Mini Hearts Galore

Pear-of-hearts-sketchbook-paintingIt is true the mini painted hearts are taking over and who can complain? While working on my mini painted hearts painting, I also started experimenting in my sketchbook as well, as while it may seem that just painting hearts has its limitations, there are in fact so many ways to go! While I did labor for hours to get the mini hearts painting just so, when things started to look not so great in my sketchbook I opted to use the hearts pattern as a background, and thus the pear of hearts was born! I have now filled an additional four pages with all kinds of hearts, so let me tell you, it is addictive, but certainly not harmful unless it takes you into the wee hours on the morning, who me? Okay, keep on reading to see a bit more…..

Pear-of-hearts-sketchbook-paintingOn the right hand page, I made a pattern of some non descript fruit shapes, while you could opt to actually draw several types of fruit, or a bunch of tea cups or sky is the limit as everything looks great filled with hearts!
Sketchbook-pear-of-mini-heartsAnd yes, I treated myselt to a pink Posca paint pen, available in my local art store, but twice the price as in the good old USA. What is a girl to do? (Order some online and have them brought to Israel by the next family member that comes……that could be a while, but preferable to spending $4 on a pen, right?)
Sketchbook-pear-of-mini-heartsWhile I did not stop here, you could, and this would certainly make great wrapping paper, or done on fabric, how about a table cloth, now we are talking!