Crafts: Painting

A Few New Paintings In My Clothesline Gallery

Paintings-jan-2019Finding the time to invest in my painting process is the biggest challenge at the moment, and I have not added to my kitchen wall gallery in the last two weeks or so, waaah. The thing about painting, or deciding to try your hand at a creative practice of any kind is that it truly requires consistency, time and producing enough so that your skills improve over a shortish period of time. Slaveing over one painting isn’t going to make you an amazing artist unless you happen to be Leonardo DeVinci, who carried the Mona Lisa around with him for years, though of course he was making lots of other art as well. As far a my goal of 100 floral paintings on paper with acrylic paint, I am now at #77 or so, and some landscapes have snuck in there as you can see, but I think I’ll have to just let them. Hoping to find some more time soon to paint another 25 floral/landscape paintings, and then I’m going to delve into painting clouds! Maybe 100 of those, and then who knows? And just by the way, of those 77 paintings, many were painted over twice, a few went into the garbage, and most of them will look like the work of a beginner in another year or so, and that is exactly how it should be!


Flowers-in-vase-for-beginnersI posted this floral previously, though changed it a bit for the better…..a rather predictable painting but one that many of those who are asked “which is your favorite” point to. Coming in second place is the painting to its right, the mountain sunset scene, which is a likeness of the view from my home.
Flowers-in-vase-for-beginnersSo dear readers, set up a little clothesline gallery yourself, and watch it evolve!
