Five Minute Cake Decorations In A Pinch!
One of my dear nephews from New York was coming for his last shabbat with us before heading back to the USA after a two year stint in Israel, so I just had to make him a good-bye cake! The only problem was that the house had been turned upside down with Pesach cleaning, we had some construction done which added a layer of ground dust to the upside down state, I had to go to a Bar Mitzvah celebration Thursday night, we were loosing a hour due to turning the clocks ahead………oh, and of course the cake and the cake decorations had to be made before sundown on Friday, phew.
Quck and cute is my motto, and sometimes you just gotta lower your standard, or you might miss an opportunity to make someone feel special, right? Keep on reading for a few tips that I'll use next tiem I need to make cake decorations in a pinch!
As far as how I pulled this one off, well, fortunately my daughter is now the official family baker, so the cake was covered, but the decorations, well that is my department! So with about five minutes to dedicate to this important gesture of love I got out the paper, (and even gave very little thought to the fact that the paper was pink, so bit it!) some skewers, and a black permanent marker, and without time to think started drawing little banners, shields and a likeness of our house. The drawings were quickly cut out and taped to skewers and toothpicks and placed atop a chocolate cake decorated with multi colored sprinkles. And whaddaya know, the banners I made were actually the perfect width to span the diameter of the bundt cake, with one in front of the other, as thought I had planned it! Next time I will!
You'll Need:
- colored card stock
- skewers and toothpicks
- a black permanent marker
- tape
How To:
Keeping in the mind the size of the cake, and if it is round the width, make cute banners that can be used for your message. Make some other tings like shields, stars, houses etc. that will stand up higher than the banners for a little play on height and scale. Don't worry about it too much, the cake will get eaten and as long as it looks cute, no one will even know you only spent five minutes!