Travel,  Travel: Montreal

Graffiti And Birdcages In Trendy Mile End, Montreal

Montreal Mile End Neighborhood GraffitiIf you are planning a trip to Montreal and love to visit the happening spots around any town, Mile End is the neighborhood you won’t want to miss. We were staying in the Outremont neighborhood, just a short walk from Mile End, so on one sunny afternoon the kids and I took a little walk, and apparently I wasn’t feeling in such a shutterbug mood, as I only took a few photos, but of course of the things that I loved the most, which happened to be simple graffiti and a wonderful installation of bird cages, which as I suspected is something already photographed numerous times, but new to most of us. Enjoy!

Montreal Pineapple GraffitiI actually adore this pineapple, and of course am not in favor of graffiti on beautiful old brick buildings, but this one in an alley happened to be just perfect.

Montreal graffiti digital art
This one was commissioned, obviously, so we can enjoy it with no guilt!

Montreal Birdcages on Plant StoreAh yes, and these bird cages, really fabulous as an eye catching facade for a flower store called Dragon Flowers at 159 Rue Bernard, my only regret having seen other photos on the internet is that I didn’t cross the street to take a closer look and take photos looking up, such is life, maybe next time if roads lead back to Montreal! That would be just fine with me, as we really had a wonderful time in this Canadian city that often feels more European than North American.


