No-Sew Fleece Doll Blanket Craft For Kids And Adults
Ta-da, I took the box with all my fleece scraps down from the attic, and quickly whipped up this adorable no-sew fleece doll blanket as a gift for a beloved three year old, to keep her baby dolls warm. The great thing about fleece is that it doesn’t unravel, so like felt it is the perfect fabric for no-sew crafts. It is true, there are many qualities of fleece out there, but for projects like this one, why not just use that $2 fleece blanket from the dollar store, and use the rest to make some wraps, scarves, or even a full size baby blanket? In this case the polka dot fleece is very thin, and the red fleece is much thicker, so the two layers makes a nice blanket, and just as cute as can be, right? This project is great for kids, with assistance, or without for those say ten and up, as perfection is not required for great results. Let’s get crafting, shall we?
- two colors/patterns of fleece
- sharp scissors
- masking tape
- pins
How To:
Please consult my previous post, here for complete instructions.
And be sure to check out my entire category, Crafts: Fleece in the category cloud, of fleece projects, many of which are made with this same technique!