Now Is The Time To Get Crafting For Rosh HaShana!
Sometimes I feel like I might just be the only Jewish crafting coach in the world, and that dear readers is why I am posting some photos of what is going on right now on my kitchen table, namely to get you inspired to use this very last week of the Jewish year to engage in creativity, while at the same time making decorations for Rosh HaShana and Succot to boot! This last week of the year is a very introspective and important one, as we have the ability to make amends for things that didn’t go quite as planned during the year, whether it be with relationships, mindset, reaching goals, setting proirities, making wise food choices, among the many aspects of life that we can control. So while you may wonder if creativity has a place, I say that it most certainly does, and especially if your home is lacking in creative activites……turn up the heat and get those creative gears turning, and while you are crafting, you can certainly fill your crafts with great intentions and talk to those you may be creating with about some of the things I’ve mentioned here. Or maybe it is just about spending time with some loved ones who many need just a little bit of extra attention this week? Or maybe it quite simply about your own well being and your need for creativity, which should never be shoved into the closet. Okay, enough said, less thinking and more doing, at least when it comes to crafts and creativity! Let’s take a closer look at what is going on here at CJM headquarters! Wishing everyone a meaningful and productive last week of the year!
That box that said “styrofoam apples” on it that was collecting dust in the basement is now coming to use, yippee! What is more fun than a bunch of brightly painted apples? Fill baskets with them for Rosh Hashana, and then hang them in the succah using a long needle to poke string or yarn throught the apples. Of course some of my painted apples have already been covered in polka dots with a paint pen, and I’ll share that with you tomorrow after all the apples have been painted……its a huge box full as I had originally planned on using them for Bar Mitzvah decorations for my son who was born just before Rosh HaShana. I ended up doing something else, and now we have painted apples galore, or at least we will by the end of today!
Ah yes, and those pieces of watercolor paper painted with stripes? Well those are going to become a birthday cake and maybe some striped apples, which I will also share with you tomorrow of the the next day, so in the meantime paint lots stripes of watercolor paper or heavy cardstock, and stay tuned.
And just by the way, there is something about hot pink that is just irresistable if you love color, and it looks amazing next to other colors. The dollar store type paint I bought though required about 3 coats on the apples, so some patience may be required, but worth it!
Happy Rosh HaShana crafting, see you soon!