Red Canna In Bloom
If you get excited when something blooms in your container garden, as we do, then make sure to always have plants in your life, as they bring you joy! The plant nursery is always like a “candy store” for me, and sometimes there are plants that I just can’t resist. Of course if I happen to be with my husband on any trip to the nursery I have to keep things under control, but I have a girl’s only trip planned with a friend within the next few weeks, and I may just have to treat myself a bit……and I’d say it is certainly better than buying shoes or an expensive purse, as so many others get to enjoy my plants as well, especially if they are in my container garden, which is mostly on a public access path.
Speaking of my container garden, I just love Canna, whether it be yellow canna or red canna or a combination of the two, and I currently have two large pots of yellow canna and one tiny pot of red canna. The canna is a tropical perrennial that dies back almost completely in the winter, (in my area) but comes back in the spring. The canna plant’s roots are runners, which means when not in a container it can take over your garden, so do be aware of that. As far as growing them in containers it means that the plant will fill a large container in one season possibly and keep on pleasing for years to come. In areas with extreme winters, like in Canada, canna is enjoyed in summer containers everywhere, in fact I wanted to call the country Canna-da on account of the huge quantities of canna I saw there three years ago! Canna is amazing because of its very large and attractive leaves and its flowers, and the fact that it serves as a great vertical element in a container that is a mix of plants, though it also works well in beds.
A single brilliant stalk with a bunch of flowers at the end, sort of like gladiola, but the blooms are in a cluster.
Why not give canna try in you garden? If you live in an area that is too cold, you can always overwinter the plant indoors or in a greenhouse. Happy gardening!