Holiday: Tu B'Shevat Crafts

Printable Fruit Themed Favor Boxes For Tu B’Shevat!

Fruit-favor-boxes-tu-b'shevatLooking for a great looking and festive something for your Tu B’Shevat table? How about creating your own fruit themed boxes from my printable, available on my creativejewishmom/Etsy, and then stacking them up for the greatest looking centerpiece ever? Honestly these boxes look so great I enjoy looking at them stacked up casually, and I don’t think I could part with any at the moment! But maybe by the time Tu B’Shevat rolls around in a few days, I’ll be ready to fill them with dried fruits and nuts to give as little gifts to friends and neighbors to celebrate the Jewish New Year for the fruit bearing trees!

What can I tell you about these little boxes? Well, you do need to be handy with a craft knife to cut them out once printed on heavy paper, but the assembly is simple and once they become little boxes they are simply adorable! And of course you don’t have to use them as boxes at all, seal up all the sides and display them as fruity cubes, hanging mobile style or stacked like blocks. And if you’re not into assembling the boxes, so use the square panels to make a glorious paneled wall hanging by stringing a whole bunch together like a coat of armor, if you know what I mean?


The fruit represented on the boxes are oranges, lemons, apples, kiwis, watermelons and pomegranates, so I can certainly imagine using these for so many occassions, and on the Jewish calendar in addition to Tu B’Shevat one could use apples and pomegranates for Rosh HaShana, and watermelon for Shavuos (because the Torah is like water, how about that for a connection?)

So treat yourself to some festive fruit slice treat boxes, just because! You can purchase the file here, and even if you don’t actually assemble the boxes, you can use the graphics in so many ways, enjoy!
