Simple Tips to Avoid a Car Accident During a Breakdown
The last thing anyone needs is to be involved in an accident while their car is disabled on the road. Please give this thought as there are things you can do to avoid ever becoming the victim of an accident while you’re trying to get your car fixed. Sadly there are many many fatalities that occur simply because someone needed to pull over due to car malfunction. So this is serious business. Here are some tips you can use right now to help you avoid being the victim of an accident after you’ve pulled over to the side, when possible, and are broken down on the road.
Check Out Your Car Regularly
You can avoid car breakdowns if you practice proper car maintenance. Car maintenance is not just for vacations, it is a year-round job, and it is not sufficient to simply put gas in your car without considering how well the car is functioning. Make a note on your calendar each month to raise your hood and check your oil levels. You also need to check your battery connections. Also, take note when your battery was created, because if it was longer than 5 years ago, you will need to get a new battery. Check your tires, and make sure they are inflated to the proper level. Make sure that your radiator fluid (or coolant) is topped off as well. You can even check your windshield wiper fluid while you are at it. Research shows that if you have your car checked regularly, you reduce the chances of a breakdown on the road by as much as 75%. That is truly significant and a big wake up call!
Above: In addition to tools, consider carry bug repellent and clothes to cover up or keep warm once the sun goes down. We found ourselves covered in mosquitoes on this Swedish forest road. Not a bad place to have a break down comparitively, not complaining.
Be Sure You Have the Tools You Need for Minor Issues
Often, drivers do not have the tools or the training they need to fix minor repairs, which means they can’t make small repairs on their cars, and they must wait for maintenance. Before you head out on the road, make sure you have the right tools for some basic auto repairs. You will need to pack a jack and a spare tire–or a doughnut–in case of a flat tire. Also, you will want to carry jumper cables or a starter instrument to charge your battery. In California, cars often overheat in the desert in the summer, so you may want to carry extra coolant or a jug of water in your trunk.
If you are carrying the tools in your car trunk, be sure that you have the training to use the tools. Many drivers don’t know how to use jumper cables, for example. They also may not know how to change a flat tire. Young drivers may not understand they cannot open the radiator cap on the radiator unless it is cool. Knowing how to make small repairs is important to avoid accidents, be sure to make repairs safely!
Know When (and How) To Call for Backup
Some repairs are too difficult for someone to do without a mechanic’s training. For example, if you have white smoke coming out from under your hood, you need to pull over. Raise your hood, and then wait for a tow truck. It wouldn’t hurt for you to become a member of a towing service, such as AAA, because they will come immediately to your car. Cell phone companies may also provide you with an emergency tow.
While you’re waiting for your tow truck, do not to wait in your car, and instead you wait outside your car on the shoulder, or even better in the grass off the shoulder of the road where possible. That way, if your car is hit by another car, you won’t be hurt. If on the other hand, your car breaks down on the interstate, and you can’t pull off onto a shoulder, you will want to stay in your car. Don’t get out of your car and wait as this is more dangerous than staying in the car. Practice extreme care and caution while waiting for the tow truck.
What To Do If You Are Hit
No one wants to be hit by a car, or become the victim of a car accident, but if it does happen, don’t panic. Should you ever find yourself a victim of a car accident while waiting for a tow truck or while repairing your vehicle on the side of the road, a car accident lawyer from Santa Monica law firm, The Barnes Firm, says to make sure you reach out to a lawyer and explain the details. If you are hit, the first call should be to your car insurance company unless there are injuries, in which case you call for help. Your second call should be to an attorney.
When you reach out to an attorney, you are protecting yourself and your property after an accident has occurred. Even if your car breaks down, calling a lawyer to make sure your rights are protected may means the difference between a minor inconvenience and a major headache.
Here’s to paying attention to car maintenance, learning how to make small car repairs, exercising extreme caution when pulling over, on the interstate especially, and no accidents or injuries!