Summer Volunteer Opportunities In Israel
There are many reasons why one would want to travel to Israel, and volunteering is a great way to not only get involved in a special cause that speaks to you, but also get to know Israel beyond the standard tourist experience. By volunteering in Israel next summer, you won’t be merely making a difference but also opening the doors to acquire your own unique personal experience. Looking at the relatively tiny size of the Holy Land, it can be surprising to see so many amazing volunteering opportunities that Israel offers, but this just goes to show how deeply Israelis care about volunteering and helping out. There is even an app that lists people who are looking for volunteers to guard their sheep, to help on the farm, to herd the goats, you name it! It doesn’t matter what age group you are, what languages you speak, or how strong you are. There is something for everyone.
Depending on your skills and personal interests, you could sign up for assisting with constructing environmentally-friendly buildings, marine and wildlife conservation, teaching English to children living in the rural communities, etc. You could also volunteer to pick fruit and on your down time explore the amazing Israeli cities, such as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, and Tzfat up north. Here are some of the best ways to volunteer in Israel this summer:
Sustainable Construction
With global warming at its peak, you might be interested in learning more about sustainable construction skills and renovating historic buildings. You could, however, also volunteer as a guide and help with hospitality by greeting guests, making meals, cleaning, and more. By volunteering in sustainable construction and sustainable living, you can learn new practical skills that will benefit you later in life as well. After a strenuous day that you spent building, creating, renovating, etc., you can relax under the starry night while you will be hanging out with your new friend at the campfire. An organization in Safed called Livnot U’Lehibanot , which means build and be built, is worth checking out!
If you are familiar with the Israeli culture and social structure, you might have heard about the communal settlement of a “kibbutz” before – hence, the term “kibbutzim.” Many kibbutzim offer different volunteering opportunities, such as cooking and preparing meals for the community, cleaning, kitchen duty, picking fruits, and maybe even helping out in the kibbutz’s industry.
If you are interested in volunteering for an Israeli kibbutz this summer, you can even expect some extra pocket money, free boarding, and good food (prepared with your help). Usually, these types of volunteering are run by the KPC (Kibbutz Program Center), which is situated in Tel Aviv. In your free time, you can always engage with your new friends and explore the local community.
Volunteer At A Charity Organization
Tel Aviv is not only a safe city to visit but also replete with countless volunteering opportunities. Suppose you want to take things slow while volunteering; you can always find a part time assignment to combine volunteering with travel. Israel is very accessible by bus and train. Every thought about volunteering in a bakery that feeds the hungry? Now that sounds interesting!
Usually, you will be required to work five days a week as you will assist the main chef in preparing a variety of bakery items, pastries, desserts, croissants, and whatnot. On the days you aren’t volunteering as a baker, you can venture out on the beach or hit the big city and make new friends. Check out Yad Ezra V’Shulamit and see how you can help to feed hungry children in Israel.
Final Thoughts
By volunteering next summer, you will find an excellent way to give back to a place that is more than happy to host you and provide you with an invaluable experience. It is essential to have the right mindset while volunteering. Instead of believing that you are out there saving the world, find the right volunteering platform where you can utilize and polish your skills. Once you settle for an organization that you believe in, ensure to adhere to their set rules and guidelines for your own safety and well being. Get to know Israel from the inside out, guaranteed to be life enhancing!