Beit HaMikdash Mosaic From Broken Tile And Findings
Today is Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, so wishing every one a chodesh tov, a wonderful new month filled with blessings. Unfortunately for the Jewish people we are once again entering a month that is filled with great tragedy, though we have 17 days until the mourning period starts. I really don’t know if there is any other People (Judiasm is both a religion and a People) that continues to mourn events that happened thousands of years ago, and that in itself is one of the reasons that we have survived despite all attempts to wipe us out. We mourn and give great importance to past tragedies, while at the same time having great hope for a brighter future for ourselves and the entire world.
The main thing that the Jewish people mourn is the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, twice. The major events leading up to the destruction are minor fast days, and the last 9 days before the total destruction is the strictest mourning period on the Jewish calendar. So, mosaics which depict Jerusalem, and especially the Beit HaMikdash, are perfect projects to think about and start creating now!
I saw this Beit Hamikdash mosaic many years ago in a wedding hall somewhere near Beit Shemesh, I believe, and apologize to the creators for not being able to give them credit. To boot it was very dark and therefore my photos are not great quality, but the quality and creativity of the mosaic is so wonderful I just had to share it with you.
- tile pieces of all kinds: the columns are made from border tiles, the squares are square stone tiles, teh green leaves are glass tile shaped with tile nippers, the eye of the camel is a glass dot, and so on. The heads of the columns are possibly jewelry findings or something ceramic. And then there are lots of randomly broken pieces.
- tile adhesive
- tile nippers
- eye protection
- grout
- lots of creativity!
How To: Consult my tutorial on how to cover a piece of furniture with mosaic for an indepth look at mosaic making, It really is quite simple, just be aware it can be quite messy, so outdoors is the place to create, meaning this is the perfect summer craft!