Blog Party: Craft Schooling Sunday

Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!

  Craft schooling sunday collageWelcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, and thanks so much for joining me here! It is now the Jewish month of Adar, and since every Jewish month has a defined personality, this in the month of overflowing joy! From my standpoint there is no greater way to express joy than with all out crafting, so lets get to work shall we?

Tomorrow night is our community’s women’s Purim party, and yours truly is always in charge of the decorations……..this year I did not have any time to plan ahead, so tomorrow morning I’m filling a friend’s car with bags and bags full of fabric, and boxes and boxes of decorations from year’s past, and I am somehow (with my daughter’s help, fortunately she has the day off from school) we are going to transform an old hotel lobby that is part 70’s construction and part historic domed ceilings into a colorful palace! I hope to have time to photograph it all, but if not, many of the decorations have never been photographed, so my backup plan is to take them to another location with white walls, photograph them there, and then……give them away for others to enjoy on Purim.  And that will just be a tiny dent in all my stuff saved, but at least a start.

And now, drum roll please, here are the features from last week’s party, enjoy!

Cross stitch on cardboardA fun cross stitch on cardboard craft from suzer space.

Mason jar herb garden DIYSweet mason jar herb garden from joyful homemaking.

DIY boho tassel earings paper wreath for partyDIY tassel wire earings from happy mothering and a fun paper and plastic cups decor from dazzle while frazzled.
DIY lego man costume for a groupDIY lego man costume from frau tschi tschi are fantastic and perfect for Purim.

Crocheted star stitch  knit amardilloA fabulous knitted armadillo from Ginx craft, and how to crochet the star stitch from liiia craft party.
Crocheted star stitch  knit amardilloA super organized and great looking craft room from the scrap shoppe blog.

DIY kid's oven mit barn door cabinet doorsDIY play over mit from life sew savory, and fabulous barn door cabinet doors from welsh design studio.

Flower embroidery with wordsA super sweet embroidered flowers hoop art from flamingo toes.

Mid century modern with cowhide and black and floral wallpaperA great looking mid century modern inspired dining room from the style safari.
Tea foot soak self binding blanketA cozy bound blanket from  and a DIY tea foot soak from happy mothering.
DIY kids wallet crocheted cheetahDIY kid’s wallet from life sew savory, and a crocheted panther from howling at the moon.
DIY lego display shelves
DIY lego display shelf from joyful homemaking is fabulous. That is it for the features, what have you been up to?






