Fabulous Wire Frame Tree Sculptures As Summer Street Art In Montreal
One of the things that Canada does really well, and Montreal in particular is celebrating the outdoors during the summer, as winter is harsh and very long! This summer in Montreal we came across many many examples of street celebrations and I especially loved these vibrant metal trees defined with strips of fabricm delineating an area in downtown Montreal used for lunch time concerts….a lovely program and wonderful sculptures that were made without investing a huge sum……I am assuming they are saved from year to year, at least hoping that is the case!
And this dear readers can certainly be a source of inspiration for your own creative fall crafting, right?
Two of these could also be perfect for an artsy wedding, or any festive occasion for which one plans ahead a bit……enjoy!
I revisited this post as my mother pointed out to me that there were a few typos, and a fun idea for making something inspired by this came to mind…..if you have a garden that is! Why not get you hands on a few of those round laundry hanging contraptions, and load it up with little scraps of fabric? Could be amazing on a field, the more the better!