Marigolds Are Annuals That Re-Seed Themselves, Perfect For The Busy Gardener!
Marigold seedlings, Angela Altomare, and tiny blooming marigolds, from plants planted in summer 2016!
I love the color orange, and so of course that means that I also love orange marigolds…….not the big puffy balls so much, but rather those that tend to be smaller, as you can see in my photo here. As I recall, last year I planted a few tiny marigold plants here and there in my container garden, and now, a year or so later after a cold winter, there are tiny marigold seedlings coming up everywhere, many of whom have already flowered, or are even producing miniature marigolds. So exciting!
Now granted, these little seedlings are turning up in containers that hold other plants as well, and thus the soil was not turned over or even refreshed as far as I can recall……and that means that this is the perfect trick for the busy gardener…….just don't confuse your little seedlings with weeds, then again if you are truly busy by the time you pull out those weeds your little marigolds may already have flowers!
Here the marigold plants on the right have popped up around my little daisy plant, so I guess it is time to gently move them so that all the plants will have room to grow. I'll try to take a photo of this container in a month or so, as I do believe it will be filled with orange! Which will be a nice compliment to the lemons I hope to have growing on the tree……
Happy gardening dear readers……sometimes it is even more enjoyable than crafting, well, in a different kind of way, but do give it a try!