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Chalkboard Succulent Pots From Upcycled Items

Chalkboard succulent pot upcycled DIY
All you need is a little bottle of chalk board paint to make all kinds of fun things, and especially fun things from stuff you might otherwise toss! Presenting my recycled chalkboard succulent pot, made from the cup of a plastic thermos (that broke the first day my son took it to school…..husbands might be well meaning but not always aware of how quickly kids can break certain items!) I knew that cup would come in handy at some point, and just love it painted black, and as a little place to doodle with chalk, so much fun!

As you may have seen, I first made chalkboard apples which are so much fun, and then I made this succulent pot, as well as some chalkboard top babyfood jars. I'm quite sure there are more chalkboard projects to come, so grab some chalkboard craft paint for just a few dollars and have fun!

Chalkboard babyfood jar lid

You'll Need:

  • upcycled item to paint like little cups, pans, jar covers etc.
  • primer (optional though recommended especially for plastic, mind you I did not use it, just wished I had some!)
  • chalkboard paint

How To:

Paint item and set aside to dry according to instructions on product. Prime if you like, I didn't see how necessary that was with the basic paint I used, but generally a good idea to follow instructions! Enjoy doodling on your items when you need a little moment of creativity!

Chalkboard succulent pots for doodling




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