Crafts for Kids,  Crafts: Paper,  Holiday: Rosh HaShana/New Years

Rosh HaShana Cards To Make Now!

Rosh Hashana Card crafts

Rosh HaShana, the Jewish New Year is in less than two weeks, so now is a great time to get out some simple art supplies and start making cards! Wishing our family, friends, and neighbors a sweet new year with cards is a tradition that in the modern world may have gotten a bit lost, so lets bring it back shall we? Today many people think that one should give a little gift of something sweet, but truly a handmade card would be just as appreciated, and hopefully even more so!

I've compiled my favorite Rosh HaShana card crafts from the past to give you a head start, so lets get crafting, and wishing you all a sweet and creative new year!

  Stamped apple rosh hashana cards

 This wine cork stamped apple card is truly sweet, and one of my favorites. While you are at it, get some fabric paint and decorate some napkins or even a table cloth!

Rosh HaShana card craft with bubble wrap

I just love these Rosh HaShana cards make with bubble wrap stamped paper, two steps but well worth the results!

Watercolor apples for rosh hashana craft

Watercolor apple Rosh HaShana cards are so fun to make, and once you've got out the paint, why not go to town with some abrstract versions too?

  Rosh HaShana woven paper apple craft

Rosh HaShana woven paper apple cards are fun to make, and the perfect craft to do with toddlers. Make some extra ones to use as decorations in the succah and around the house!

Rosh HaShana punched paper cards

Rosh HaShana punched shapes cards are perfect for kids that love to punch and glue, and really get into small details.

 Inspired? Get crafting and please send me photos of some of the cards that you make!





One Comment

  • Winnie

    These are really beautiful Sarah 🙂
    I still remember the times when we sent hand-made cards or even bought-ones, instead of e-mail-cards.
    It’s soooooooooo different when you make your own
    You really think and invest and wish for good year when you do it