The Eighth Night Of Hanukkah, Zot Hanukkah!
Zot Chanukah, the eighth night of hanukkah is tonight, and that means this is our last chance to enjoy the hoilday before it disappears until next year!
Zot chanukah is considered to be the most significant day by many, and for Kabbalists and Hassidim, it is also considered to be the last opportunity for repentence before the gates (namely the same ones we might have been thinking about on Yom Kippur) are closed tightly shut. Now how is that for giving everyone a good fair chance at doing their very best to have a wonderful year? (And not to worry if you are neither a Kabbalist nor a Hassid, you can certainly be one for this one day of Hanukkah!)
So say goodbye to the festival of lights by lighting the enitre menorah, from left to right, and by sitting and enjoying the light. Give thanks and think good thoughts, and then send all this positive energy out into the big world. And if you have a chance, certainly giving charity and/or doing acts of kindness is a great way to finish off the holiday. Wishing you an amazing last day of Hanukkah!
And just by the way, if you had the impression that Hanukkah and the lighting of the menorah was a very pristine event, well I'm here to show you that when youngish boys are involved, and even those who are not so youngish, well, between the wax and the oil, it can get downright messy, and that is just par for the Hanukkah course.
Each day’s candle or oil gets added in from right to left, but are lit from left to right.
Sara Rivka
yes, of course, silly me thanks for the correction!