A Painted Dove In A Starry Sky For Chanukah
Chanukah is coming in about 2 weeks, so it is surely time to get crafting for this light filled holiday! And guess what folks, this year I realized that the dove is totally a fantastic symbol for Chanukah, and it is time to claim it as a decorative item to go along with dreidels and chanukiahs, yes indeed! And why is that you may ask? Well first of all, the traditional dove (who was sent from the ark by Noah) carries an olive branch in his beak, which of course relates to Chanukah, but lo and behold it goes way beyond that, are you ready for this?
I was so excited and happy to learn that there is a Jewish tradition that Noah (we call him Noach) squeezed the oil from the very olive brought by the dove, gave the vial to his son Shem who entrusted it to Avraham. From Avraham it was passed it along throughout the generations until King David hid it in the Beis HaMikdash, the Holy Temple, waiting until the time for which it was destined.This vial was the miracle vial of oil the Maccabees used to light the Menorah and rededicate the Temple. This is the vial of pure olive oil that transcended the laws of nature and miraculously burned for eight days.
Amazing right? Okay, now go and paint some doves for Chanukah folks! Whether you choose to paint a dove with some ethnic folk art details like mine, or even something very simple, fill your sky with stars and include a chanukiah that lights up the night.
I actually painted the dove first, then the black background around it, then sponged on some white paint at the bottom, and then I added lots of details with a white paint pen, my new best friend. You can also opt to cut out your doves and hang them mobile style or on a garland, and either way it will be wonderful!