Israel: Nature
The Ancient Caves Of Mt. Nitai In Tiveria, Israel
The ancient caves of Mt. Nitai in Israel just next to Mt. Arbel.
Tiny Spring Wildflowers In Northern Israel
There is nothing quite like coming upon a patch of colorful wildflowers in Northern Israel. I’ll admit, the wildflowers that we saw in Sweden two summers were pretty amazing as well, but these flowers are close to home, and very much a part of our lives, well my life anyway. I look forward to the first signs of Spring, and the the changing of the guards in the meadows as one species after another has its moment in the sun. This year I caught the barbary nut (poor man’s iris) in bloom in great quantities that I’d never witnessed before, though within a couple of weeks they were gone….While most…
Red Crown Anemones In Bloom In Northern Israel!
The gorgeous red crown anemones, that are natives in certain regions in Israel, are in bloom, well technically they were in bloom, as they are dwindling quickly. The truth is that these beauties can begin blooming here and there as early as December, with the quantities seen here happening in March. I took these photos of this spring delight a good month ago, and was just too busy with Passover prep to share them with you then. Sorry about that, and hopefully when the red poppies bloom I’ll share those photos with you in a timely manner! Yes red anemones and red poppies are not the same thing, though many…
A Visit To Lake Agmon And A View Of Mount Hermon!
Spring is here, and while a bit chilly, no complaints as the days have been perfect for Passover outings with the family! Wow, I am so grateful to live in such an amazing location, here in Northern Israel, with an abundance of stunning and meaningful places to visit! This year we have so far visited two new places, though on the first day we decided to go to one of our favorites, Lake Agmon in the Hula valley. It was packed as it always is during the holidays of Passover and Succot, but the new visitor’s center made it seem otherwise and we had a lovely few hours enjoying the…
Take A Walk In An Olive Grove In Northen Israel!
We are in the middle of an extreme heat wave which means it is even too hot at 6pm for my usual walk which takes me through a lovely old olive grove, so I thought I’d share with you some photos I took a few weeks ago on one of those end of the day walks! Come along, it will be lovely! Olive trees are native to the Mediterranean region (as well as parts of Africa and Asia) and both olive oil and olives play a great role in the Mediterranean diet. Not to mention that olive oil was the oil lit in the menorah in the Beit HaMikdash, and…
Queen Anne’s Lace In Bloom Everywhere In Northern Israel
I love witnessing the yearly cycle of the fields and hillsides just outside our front door, and the brilliant cascade of color sometimes associated with that! In the spring vivid green becomes hills of rolling yellow, then dotted by red and white, and then comes all things purple, like thistles of all kinds (which I must photograph this coming week) and now we are enjoying a dense bloom of Queen Anne’s lace, otherwise known as wild carrot, bird’s nest, and bishop’s lace. Daucus carota, is its real name, and is a white, flowering plant, with tall stocks and a very interesting flower. Yes, it is a weed, but a lovely…