Israel: Tsfat, Safed
A Mediterranean Style Garden With Arches Of Bougainvillea
Ever drooled over those photos from Greece and Morocco showing bright magenta bougainvillea growing up a white wall next to a blue door? Yes, me too, and the good news is that bougainvillea, and even more specifically the magenta bougainvillea grows really well in our mountain town here in Northern Israel. There are at least four colors of bougainvillea: magenta, deep coral, light orange and white, but apparently the magenta strain in the hardiest, especially important if you live in a location like mine that does get snow occassionally, and of course also important if you are planning to grow bougainvillea in a container, in which case it is less…
Jacaranda Trees In Bloom In Northern Israel!
With this year’s long winter and lots of rain, the Jacaranda trees are I believe blooming a bit later that usual, but this is okay, as the trees all over our town in Northern Israel were in full bloom for the Jewish holiday of Shavuos, which was just perfect! When I designed a large semi-public garden just down the street Jacaranda trees were on my list of must includes, and now that the trees have matured a bit, they look amazing peeking over the stone garden wall, especially when full of purple blooms. The trees were planted in a oblong patch of dirt that was left untouched when we poured…
Where Is Nachum Ish Gamzu Buried?
Where is Nachum Ish Gamzu buried, you may ask? Or more likely, who is Nachum Ish Gamzu? Or what language is that anyway? Well dear readers, let me tell you, Nachum Ish Gamzu, or more correctly, Rebbe Nachum Ish Gamzu was a Tanna, a rabbinic sages whose views are recorded in the Mishnah, from approximately 10-220 CE! Okay that is seriously a long time ago, and yet he was such an important figure that we are still talking about him and visiting his gravesite! One of the things for which Rebbe Nachum Ish Gamzu is known is that he was the teacher of the even more well know Rebbe Akiva!…
The Fig Tree Awakens With Tiny Leaves And Fruit In Northern Israel
One sign that Spring has truly arrived is the tiny leaves and tiny figs that begin to appear on the sculptural bare branches of our native fig trees. The leaves are miniature versions of their larger selves, and just so very very sweet that I had to capture the magic on my camera. Enjoy the signs of Spring where ever you may be! And keep on reading to see the tree these leaves belong to!
Early Spring Is Alive With Blossoms in Northern Israel
Spring has arrived here in Northern Israel, and a little walk around town revealed so many flowering delights I just had to share them with you! Now if I can just find the time to take a nature walk to see what is blooming in the fields, more gorgeous flowers I’m quite sure. But with the packed pre-Passover schedule, I’m grateful to have at the least taken in the gorgeous wisteria and more………
Judah’s Tree, Klil HaChoresh, Now In Bloom In Northern Israel!
The klil hahoresh tree is now in bloom in Northern Israel, and it is truly a delight. The blooms are so unusual, and when one drives out of the city the tree covered hillsides are puncutated by bright pink, love it! Okay, I just realized that while I wrote Red Bush on the photo, this tree is in fact a look-alike cousin of Red Bush, and not exactly the same tree, or something like that, as I have explained in a previous post here. In any case, name aside, the blooming of these trees is another yearly event, like the blooming of the almond trees, that gives me great joy.…