Brush Lettering With Faux Watercolor Background Birthday Card
It is true, here at CJM headquarters the little ones are now teens and tweens, so not a lot of kiddy crafts going on, but fortunately my daughter is picking up the slack with her creative endeavors. She just loves brush lettering and especially creating faux watercolor backgrounds for her lettering, which I’ve shared several times in the past. Today I photographed this birthday card before we put it in the mail, and not only is it great, it also goes along with all my orange/red fire themed crafts for the Jewish holiday of Lag B’Omer, coming up next week! Ah yes, and this card is the perfect partner…
Brush Lettering With Watercolor Background Passover Craft And Birthday Card
Thanks to the handiwork of my 15 year old daughter, I now share with you her latest brush lettering project, a birthday card and a Passover sign that fits into the theme right now, which is to figure out how to get it all done without going crazy! Cards like these are really quite simple to make, whether you go for faux calligraphy, brush lettering as seen here, or even something a bit more refined. The secret it the amazing technique used to effortlessly create this random water color background ! Make signs to put all over the house to mark your cleaning progress and/or keep the troops happy.…