- Bat and Bar Mitzvah Decorations, Birthday Cakes Simple And Cute, Birthdays: Cakes and Decorations, Cooking: Desert Bar Ideas, Cooking: Kids in the Kitchen, Holiday: Purim!, Holiday: Shabbat
No Bake Popsicle Cookies Are Simply Adorable
With everything looking pinker than pink in blog land this week, I thought I’d contribute with these super simple and beyond adorable no-bake popsicle cookies! And I’ll just add that these are courtesy of my 16 year old daughter who is quite the expert at these kinds of things…….her mother would rather be painting, or making something healthy! Regardless it is great to have a trick like this up your sleeve when another neighbor’s daughter is having an engagement party and the desert bar needs to be beyond gorgeous! Ah yes, and with Purim coming up, some of these presented with a summer theme could be an amazing mishloach manot!…